October 14, 2002

damn cats

Don't you hate when you get mad at someone for pestering you and then it turns out
they were trying to tell you something important? "Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" "Mommy is
busy right now." "But Mooommmmmyyy..." "I don't want to hear about it unless the
house it on fire!" "But Mommeeeeeee..." "WHat did I just say??" "But Mommy, the
house IS on fire!"

That was this morning, only it was a cat, not a
kid. And what he was trying to tell us was that the other cat has somehow gotten
shut in the garage. However, I think I'd be more inclined to apologize for yelling
at him if he hadn't for some mysterious reason decided to wait until 3:30AM to let
us know this, instead of, oh, say, about 8 last night when the other cat got in
there in the first place. Of course, the cat, being a cat, will assume I am
slobberingly grateful that he deigns to grace our house with his presence whether
or not I apologize. Damn cats.

It wouldn't have been so bad if all
that noice hadn't started less than half an hour before the alarm ws due to go
off, giving me no chance to get any additional quality sleep. It also didn't be so
bad if I didn't know that the furry barsteds are at this very moment curled up
asleep in my comfy chair, while I slave all day to keep them in comfort and
Science Diet. And then when I walk in tonight, 13 hours or so after leaving this
morning, they'll open on eye and look at me like, "You again? So soon? You're not
going to kick me out of this chair like usual, are you? .......

Also, since Rudder and I have been discussing furniture, does
anyone out there know if cats tend to like to put little claw-holes in leather

Posted by dichroic at October 14, 2002 04:59 PM
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