January 19, 2005

software decisions

It's sad but true that I don't understand Movable Type as well as I'd like, which is one reason I'm still running v. 2.663 here. (The other, of course, is - say it with me - lack of free time.) That would be why I'm still getting comment spam, despite having (thought I'd) installed the MT Moderate plugin today, which is supposed to make comments on entries > 7 days old have to be approved. Or possibly the plugin just doesn't work with this version.

This is bubbling up in my consciousness lately because soon I'm going to have to create a webpage for our informal rowing group and I'd like to have a blog as one page on it so we can post regatta reports and photos easily. She-Hulk bought the domain and I said I'd host it here since I've got scads of space and bandwidth for it. I figure the options are:

  • start the new blog within this installation of MT. (Simplest but I don't learn anything plus I probably end up with twice as much comment spam.)

  • Download MT 3.14. (Drawback is I either have to pay $70 for the full-featured version or use the free one which only allows one author - I'd like others to be able to post updates.)

  • Keep this blog on MT and use Wordpress for the new one, then eventually evaluate if I want to switch this one over. (I'm worrying over whether the two installations would conflict, and also if it would be harder to switch this one over later when the other is already started.)
  • Right now, I'm planning for the rowing site to have a front page with basic info, our charter, contact info and links to related sites, another page with our competition schedule, and a blog with regatta reports and photos.

  • Switch to WordPress for both. (But what if I hate it?)
  • Right now I'm leaning to options 2 or 4, but two minutes ago #3 sounded best, so I expect a few more changes of opinion before I decide. Feedback is welcome, especially if you have experience with WP or with installing new updates of MT.

    Posted by dichroic at January 19, 2005 01:38 PM

I will tell you that I am a programming dork, and have been able to muddle about quite nicely in Wordpress to get my site running nicely.

There is even a cool plugin that allows you to create static pages (charter, contact info?) based on your CSS layout. I haven't used it yet, but hear good things.

If you do decide to go w/ MT, as well, Dreamhost already has it pre-installed for you. And that rocks.

Posted by: megan at January 19, 2005 03:27 PM

You know, I didn't understand a blinking bit of that. Oddly, I don't really want to either. Usually I'd dive in with a question or two, just to see if I could get a dim grasp, but my intellectual curiosity isn't aroused in the least. I can't decide if this means I'm getting wiser about where I fling my brain or whether it just means I'm a big old slacker. So, Eclectic Minded One, what's your take? ~LA

Posted by: LA at January 19, 2005 03:49 PM
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