I coxed again today for 2/3 of the practice, but it was more or less my fault for being in the bathroom when Yosemite Sam picked the boat. Can’t complain there. He gave me quite a lot of shit for the henna-tattooed armband I got in the mall yesterday. I found that extremely amusing, since the majority of women rowers here have real tattoos. Most of them (except Hardcore) just have them in less conspicuous areas. There are also at least three, probably more, who have pierced navels (and of course, there’s also Hardcore’s nose piercing). Apparently YSam doesn’t realize it, but I’m on the conservative side here.
At that stop at the mall, I got the henna tattoo but completely failed in my attempt to buy a bra, because they’re mostly all too big and the few that aren’t are too decorated -- I just want one not to show clothing. And I want it to make me not show through clothing -- that’s the only reason I wear one at all. Otherwise I get either two dark spots under a light shirt or unmistakably bra-less outlines under a tight one. I don’t sag. I don’t need support, unless I’d doing something like riding a mountain bike over a washboard trail, and for that I have sports bras. All I want is one that will fit and won’t show. Is that too much to ask? Victoria’s Secret thinks so.
And what is the point of the otherwise nearly perfect little triangle cotton bras that have rhinestone designs in them? Are you supposed to wear them alone or over clothing? If not, why bother? I don’t mind things made to look good in the boudoir (as Victoria would no doubt say) but not at the expense of showing little rhinestone bumps through a T-shirt!
I did have a whole topic I was going to address, but I think I’ll just save it until later. Tip to readers: if you’re not interested in the rowing stuff, try reading this journal only in the afternoons. I seem to need to get the rowing and daily activity report out of the way first. The sad thing is, I suspect the rant above may be a repeat.
Posted by dichroic at July 9, 2001 04:31 PM