August 20, 2001

What was it I was thinking again?

Rowing all by yourself, at sunrise, on calm water, with no coach yelling at you,
is wonderful for thinking. It's excellent for coming up with ideas for journal
entries and essays. It's terrific for remembering the things you really should do,
and promising yourself to do them.

On the other hand, it's horrible
for committing all those thoughts, ideas, and promises to memory. I had some
wonderful things to write about, but now I've forgotten what they

I do remember promising myself to finish a letter I have to
write, so I'll try to do that today. I also plan to spend much time sniveling over
War Letters, a collection of letters mostly to and from American soldiers
from the Civil War on. I will listen to the rest of the audiobook version of Pride
and Prejudice (note to self: dingdingdingding! Write essay on the joys of hearing
books read aloud. Then (the hard part) find someone that wants that

And as soon as I can reasonably expect anyone to be in, I
will call my old company to ask why the fuck they haven't paid me the
vacation time they promised. Damn. I should have gotten that in writing.

Posted by dichroic at August 20, 2001 04:59 PM
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